To: !@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*() ------------------------------------------------------------ SMART Letter #74 -- July 23, 2002 Copyright 2002 by David S. Isenberg -- "danger and opportunity" -- -- 1-888-isen-com ------------------------------------------------------------ !@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*() CONTENTS > Quote of Note: Jeff Bezos on two kinds of retailers > Crisis and Revolution in Telecom by David S. Isenberg > Quotes of Note: > Gordon Moore on missing the PC > Steve Ballmer on how "Linux changed our game" > Peter Seebach on usability and video games Sir Arthur C. Clarke on the environment > Conferences on my Calendar > Copyright Notice, Administrivia ------- QUOTE OF NOTE: Jeff Bezos "There are two types of retailers: those that work hard to raise prices and those that work hard to lower prices." Jeff Bezos, CEO, quoted in Financial Times, July 22, 2002, p. 1. ------- CRISIS AND REVOLUTION IN TELECOM by David S. Isenberg [This is adapted from my Communications Keynote at the World Technology Network Summit, New York, July 21, 2002.] There's an "utter crisis" in telecommunications, says Michael Powell, Chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. WorldCom, Qwest, Global Crossing, Adelphia, Enron, Deutsche Telecom, France Telecom; yesterday's Wall Street winners seem to be leading the entire economy into the abyss. Let's try to see the current crisis in perspective; it is but one phase of the Communications Revolution itself. It has been said that a revolution is not a dinner party. There are crises. Outcomes are ambiguous. The powerful struggle to hold onto power. The forces precipitating the revolution struggle to advance. There are losers. It is not pretty. The final result is not knowable. The drivers of the Communications Revolution overlap, but are not identical to the drivers of the current crisis. The drivers of the current crisis are: 1) Overcapacity, 2) Bad debt, directly driven by technological advances, 3) A wholesale change of business models more profound than the shift from horse and buggy to the jet age. I am tempted to add incompetence, greed and criminal behavior, but these are constants that are neither unique to the Communications Revolution nor the current crisis. With the benefit of hindsight (and hindsight is important if we are to learn from history), we can appreciate the power of the twin factors of overcapacity and bad debt. I saw the third factor in 1997, the coming shift in business models, and I wrote about it in a paper called "The Rise of the Stupid Network". This shift is still not a broadly acknowledged factor in the current collapse, but I think that it will prove to be the biggest factor. Let's look at each factor individually to see how it relates to the current crisis and to the larger Communications Revolution. Overcapacity. Let's not call the current overcapacity situation a "bandwidth glut." Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins. The scarcity folks -- the telephone companies (and others) whose business is based on the fact that communications capacity is scarce, therefore expensive -- are controlling this "glut" dialog. Nobody talks about a glut of clean air or a glut of traffic-jam-free roads. No -- to an end user it is great to have a lot of cheap network capacity. I would say, "Glut is good," but slogans like this seem to convey the wrong message in the longer term. So let's just talk about overcapacity. There's a supply side and a demand side to the overcapacity situation. On the demand side, telecom growth used to be predictable, at about 5% a year. The Internet toppled this assumption. Then for several years people thought that Internet demand was doubling every 100 days. This finding was based on early data -- it turned out to be an over-estimate. Today people estimate that the Internet is growing at around 100% per year. One hundred percent per year is still an outrageous growth rate. If you start with one megabyte at year zero, 100% for ten years would yield 1000 megabytes at year ten. But in contrast, 100% every 100 days, the former supposed growth rate, would yield 68 billion megabytes by Year Ten. So we overestimated the growth of the Internet by a mere factor of 68 million. The effects of this over-estimate on capacity build-outs and revenues were amplified by telecom competition. In the late 1990s the United States, and then the World Trade Organization, passed laws and made agreements to help new entrants break into established telecom markets. The new entrants saw one trillion dollars of annual worldwide telecom revenue, and they assumed that traffic was doubling every 100 days. They wanted a piece of this pie -- a pie that they thought soon would be larger than the entire global economic product. Again, with the benefit of hindsight, there might have been some things that would have increased traffic enough to create a viable market that would support multiple competitors. For example, traffic might have grown faster than it actually did if the recording industry had not put the legal kibosh on Napster. Some say that if it were legal to trade video files a la Napster, it would be so popular that we wouldn't have any overcapacity. In fact, we'd have to install new long-haul capacity. If this is right, the most effective short-term fix to the overcapacity situation would be to reform intellectual property laws to be more consistent with how people want to use the Internet. Also traffic might have grown fast enough to keep pace with installed capacity if AT&T, instead of throwing $120 billion down the cable TV hole as they did in 1998, had used that money instead to build fiber to their customers' homes. Such an initiative would have had enduring, intrinsic value. And it would have laid the groundwork for continued United States leadership in communications. Everybody believes that fiber to the home is the end game of the Communications Revolution. It is not expensive, about US$600 to $3000 per home with today's technology (and less in the future, and less with economies of massive scale). But just as Qwest's 1997 transcontinental fiber build-out fatally maimed domestic long-distance (including Qwest itself), fiber to the home would kill the Incumbent Local Exchange Companies. Therefore, fiber to the home is not coming until the Incumbent Local Exchange Companies become considerably weaker. Fiber to the home, in the context of the Internet, puts too much bandwidth and too much control into the hands of the end user for a Local Exchange Company to profit under any of the current scarcity-based business models. But some day it is inevitable that we'll have fiber to the home. Anyhow, the new competitors and the older incumbent telephone companies miscalculated how fast demand for their capacity was growing. More importantly, they missed the fact that telecom prices -- and profit margins -- were collapsing. On the supply side, the rush of many new competitors into the marketplace, all of whom wanted to attract customers with ever lower prices and many of whom built their own networks, helped cause this collapse, but there were even more fundamental factors afoot. Moore's Law, the doubling of computer power every eighteen months or so, suddenly made it possible to run the most sophisticated communications protocols on very tiny devices. Today we can put a router on a chip that is more powerful than AT&T's big international switches that require an entire city-block-sized room in a skyscraper in downtown New York. Plus, our ability to jam bits down glass fibers or copper wires or through the air grew faster than Moore's Law. Suddenly, telecom infrastructure wasn't expensive any more. Bad Debt. This brings us to the subject of bad debt. The debt picture is tightly intertwined with the rapidity of technological change. Here is an analogy: We've all had the experience of going into a computer store and saying, "I could buy last year's computer for US$500 or I could buy the whizziest new box for $2000." The problem is that in both cases, our purchase would rapidly become obsolete -- next year's machine will blow this year's machine away. We know this, but we can't buy next year's machine -- we have to decide on last year's computer, this year's computer, or no computer. Telecommunications executives are faced with the same problem, except that the time intervals are around 30 years, capital expenditures are in the billions of dollars, and the core telecom business is at stake. The telcos must build and upgrade their networks, but once they put their money on new technology, they're stuck with it for ten or twenty or thirty years. The telcos finance the new technology with thirty-year bonds. But the technology becomes obsolete much faster than that. Let me give you two examples -- ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) and SONET. ATM was the greatest new technology in the early 1990s, but now, less than ten years after the big telcos installed it, some of them are taking ATM out of their network. SONET and SDH were the bleeding edge in the mid-1990s. SONET was very cool; you could cut the line and the network would self-restore in a few milliseconds. But it isn't anymore. For both ATM and SONET/SDH, the administrative overhead was too high (leading to high operating expenses compared to newer, simpler technology) and the protocols were not appropriate for Internet traffic. The bondholders that financed ATM and SONET now are finding that an obsolete asset secures their debt. They're holding junk bonds that pay interest rates appropriate for asset- backed securities. ATM and SONET are not the only technologies that are becoming obsolete even as they're being deployed. There's DSL and MMDS and 3G and WAP and a whole lot more. Technology marches on. And it is not as if Telecom executives made the wrong decisions -- mostly they made the best decisions they could at the time. The debt movie is playing at the Global Crossing theatre and the WorldCom playhouse -- but soon it will be playing at a telephone company near you. Verizon and SBC and BellSouth will not be immune. The accounting tricks they used to use don't work so well all of a sudden, so they're likely to try some legal and regulatory tricks -- or even get new laws passed -- to fend off their day of reckoning. But watch out. Even supposedly strong Incumbent Local Exchange Companies are at financial risk, because they're caught behind the very same 8-ball of rapid technological change. But the biggest thing happening to Telecommunications is not overcapacity, it is not about debt or technological change. The biggest thing is that the entire telecom business model -- or maybe we should call it the operating model -- is about to undergo wholesale change. We're leaving the Horse-and-Buggy era of telecom and entering the Jet Age. Goodbye blacksmith. Goodbye livery stable. Hello . . . to what? We don't know yet. The telephone company business model used to be based on vertical integration. The network was a voice network. The wires were voice wires. The switches were voice switches. You can say the same for cable TV. The cable system was specialized for broadcasting video entertainment. These were special-purpose networks. The Internet, in sharp contrast, is a general-purpose network. It will carry anything. The Internet does not care whether it is carrying voice or video or financial data or email or pictures. The Internet pushes the decision "What to carry," to its edges. It pushes the decision "How to use the network," right into the lap of the end user. This is a direct consequence of the Internet's architecture. The Internet's job is internetworking. That is, the Internet is a network of networks -- the Internet Protocol is designed to span the various component networks and to ignore the network specific details. The Internet Protocol ignores even those network-specific details that add value to a given component network. So if the owner of a component network that forms a piece of the Internet tries to add value to his or her particular network, that value may be useful for a network-specific application -- such as telephony or TV -- but it is irrelevant for Internet-level connectivity. The only place you can add value in an Internet world is at the edges. This means that in an Internet world, a network owner has no special advantage in adding value to their network, say, over somebody who owns a few servers at the edge and buys connectivity. This single fact makes the telephone-company business model obsolete. It also makes the Internet the huge success, the integral part of our lives that it is today. Think about all the killer applications of the last decade -- email, instant messaging, web browsing, streaming audio, ecommerce, Internet telephony -- you don't have to be a network owner to host these apps. Indeed not a single one was brought to market by a telephone company or a cable company. A lot of new telephone companies entered the marketplace with the old business model. Most of them went bankrupt trying to be little Bell Systems or little AT&Ts. The vertical integration thing doesn't work these days. I suspect that we will see the remaining big guys dying from the same disease, if financial problems don't kill them first. A word of caution. Today everybody from George Bush to Mike Powell to the wise executives of Silicon Valley are talking about broadband, broadband, broadband. But broadband without real internetworking, without the pure, stupid, end-to-end Internet, will be as useful as a television that can order pizza. I'd rather have the Internet over a plain-old dial-up connection than broadband with some form of pseudo-internetworking. So if you hear that somebody is going to "enhance" the Internet -- to make it more efficient, to Pay the Musicians, to Protect the Children, to thwart hackers, to enhance Homeland Security, to find Osama, or whatever -- this is almost certainly propaganda from the powerful businesses that are threatened by the Internet. Remember that the Internet became the success it is today -- and the threat that it is to existing telcos -- because it is a Stupid Network, an end-to-end network. So that's what's driving the current crisis in the Communications Revolution; overcapacity, debt, and a wholesale switch of business models. The Communications Revolution is not over. In fact, we're still at the early beginning. What's the next phase? I don't know. But people will need to communicate, and the technology keeps getting better, so there is no doubt that the future is bright. If I had the new model for telecom figured out, I'd be implementing it, not writing about it. Back in the 1980s, people first realized that Moore's Law would make transistors so plentiful that it would commoditize hardware -- and that software would be king. They scratched their heads and asked themselves, "How do you make money from software?" One guy figured it out. We're faced with the same kind of problem. Who will be the Bill Gates of the new telecom? So far, the front-runner looks to me like . . . Bill Gates (due to Microsoft Windows Messenger). But maybe it is somebody reading this piece, or somebody we've never heard of. That's likely to precipitate yet another crisis in the Communications Revolution. ----------------- QUOTE OF NOTE: Gordon Moore "If you asked me in 1980, I would have missed the PC. I didn't see much future for it . . . I thought automobiles would be a bigger market (for microprocessors). But the IBM PC kind of hit it off with the public." Gordon Moore quoted in ZDNet News, July 10, 2002 ----------- QUOTE OF NOTE: Steve Ballmer "We [at Microsoft] have prided ourselves on always being the cheapest guy on the block--we were going to be higher volume and lower priced than anybody else out there, whether it was Novell, Lotus or anybody else . . . One issue we have now, a unique competitor, is Linux. We haven't figured out how to be lower priced than Linux. For us as a company, we're going through a whole new world of thinking." Ballmer: Linux Changed Our Game, by Rich Cirillo in VARBusiness, July 15, 2002 ------- QUOTE OF NOTE: Peter Seebach "Video games demonstrate several important lessons about streamlining repetitive tasks. One of the first is the use of rational defaults. Video games try very hard to get the defaults right. In many turn-based war games, a unit can either attack or rest at the end of its turn. What's the default? To attack if there's an enemy unit nearby -- otherwise, it will rest. The default is almost always right. Many games simply favor a most-recently used strategy for guessing at defaults. This simple strategy is often a gigantic improvement over the user interfaces of productivity software. . . . "A lot of productivity software is nowhere near the level of reliability that you'll find with video games. Productivity software manuals are full of warnings to save your work frequently, because crashes can destroy your work in progress. Video games offer saving as a convenience to the user, who may want to go do something else for a while. Crashes are considered unacceptable in a video game; for some reason, though, with most productivity software, they're simply a part of the experience. . . . "Many video games are designed so that the user doesn't need to be taught how to play; the designers assume that the user will never read the manual. . . . "Most games allow at least some level of user control over the interface. Most productivity software doesn't." Everything I need to know about usability, I learned at the arcade, by Peter Seebach, on the website, June 2002, ------------ QUOTE OF NOTE: Sir Arthur C. Clarke "I hope we can clean up our environment." Sir Arthur C. Clarke, in response to a question about the quality of life over the next 100 years at the World Technology Network Summit, July 22, 2002. ------- CONFERENCE ON MY CALENDAR September 17 or 18, 2002, Washington DC. American Association for the Advancement of Science. I'll be speaking to the AAAS interns and the larger Washington telecom policy community. Tentative at this time -- write to me ( to see if this is actually going to happen. October 8-10, 2002, Atlanta GA. Fall VON. I'll be giving an Industry Perspective talk at 10:45 AM on Thursday, October 10, 2002. See October 15-17, 2002, New Orleans LA. Fiber to the Home Council Annual Conference. I'll be giving a keynote (on why neither telco nor cable TV co will bring us fiber to the home). Nothing on the website yet, but keep checking for information. October 22, 2002, Boulder CO. University of Colorado at Boulder. I'll be speaking to Dale Hatfield's graduate telecom seminar and guests, 4:00 to 5:20 PM. Contact for details. November 7, 2002, New York. Marconi Foundation Award Conference. Tim Berners-Lee will get the Marconi Award. I'll be speaking about the infrastructure that makes the World Wide Web possible. More details soon. ------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Redistribution of this document, or any part of it, is permitted for non-commercial purposes, provided that the two lines below are reproduced with it: Copyright 2002 by David S. Isenberg -- -- 1-888-isen-com ------- [There are two ways to join the SMART List, which gets you the SMART Letter by email, weeks before it goes up on the web site. The PREFERRED METHOD is to click on and supply the info as indicated. The alternative method is to send a brief, PERSONAL statement to (put "SMART" in the Subject field) saying who you are, what you do, maybe who you work for, maybe how you see your work connecting to mine, and why you are interested in joining the SMART List.] [to quit the SMART List, send a brief "unsubscribe" message to] [for past SMART Letters, see] [Policy on reader contributions: Write to me. I won't quote you without your explicitly stated permission. If you're writing to me for inclusion in the SMART Letter, *please* say so. I'll probably edit your writing for brevity and clarity. If you ask for anonymity, you'll get it. ] ** David S. Isenberg, inc. 888-isen-com 203-661-4798 ** -- The brains behind the Stupid Network -- **