!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*() ------------------------------------------------------------ SMART Letter #21 - May 13, 1999 Copyright 1999 by David S. Isenberg At isen.com we accumulate intellectual capital the old fashioned way -- we LEARN it. isen@isen.com -- http://www.isen.com/ -- 1-888-isen-com ------------------------------------------------------------ !@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*() CONTENTS > The full impact of The Stupid Network > Quote of Note: Kevin Werbach > Lead Essay: Why equal access for cable matters > Making an Ally of Piracy, by Jaron Lanier > Quote of Note: Tom Petzinger > Conferences on my Calendar, Copyright Notice, Administrivia ------- PERSPECTIVE: FACING UP TO THE FULL IMPACT OF THE STUPID NETWORK, By David S. Isenberg (The article below appeared in Communications Week International, 10 May 1999, but it was written in early April, before AT&T's deal with MediaOne/Roadrunner, and before Microsoft bought 3% of AT&T. So it is out of date, and probably wrong in a certain specific sense. See "WHY EQUAL ACCESS FOR CABLE MATTERS," below. David I) NEWS ITEM: "The Stupid Network theory has been vindicated by the company that long resisted it. AT&T's network chief Frank Ianna announced in March that all subsequent network development will be packet oriented . . . " Communications Week International, 5 April 1999 AT&T's move to cap investment in its circuit-switched network only partially "vindicates" the Stupid Network idea. Despite this important step, AT&T does not yet seem to grasp the impact of the Stupid Network on its business model. AT&T network czar Frank Ianna says that the post-circuit world will be "either ATM or Internet Protocol or some combination of those," and he sees a "huge debate" on this issue. He does not seem to realize that Internet protocol has won hands down, or that IP is now reducing the need for ATM, and even SONET, making the network ever more simple and stupid. Furthermore, Ianna's new emphasis on "Endpoints, endpoints, endpoints," does not seem to appreciate that IP terminates in a device at the customer's fingertips. Such "endpoints" are no longer owned or controlled by AT&T. This simple fact has profound consequences for how AT&T does business. Because IP is an internetworking protocol, it makes differences between networks irrelevant. So no matter how much intelligence AT&T's network has, or how many cool features AT&T adds, in an all-IP network, the only properties that matter are transport and connectivity. In an all-IP world, the network becomes the transport device for the customer's application -- much like a disk drive is the customer's storage device. This means that new applications, new value, can be created at the edge of the network, without the permission, control, or involvement of the network owner. And when network ownership is de-coupled from value creation, AT&T derives no benefit from this new value beyond the new traffic it spawns. In other words, when AT&T thinks of its network as some kind of "crown jewel," it is misguided. Under IP, AT&T's network is just like any other network. AT&T chairman and chief executive C. Michael Armstrong does not seem to grasp this either. He speaks of a facilities-based strategy whereby which AT&T would control the interfaces, protocols, standards and platforms of the network and weave them into a set of seamless services. In other words, he still sees AT&T's network as somehow involved in value creation. He does not see that in an all-IP world, the IP interface de-couples the platforms, standards and protocols from network transport. Facilities are commodities, and the value is created at the edge. If AT&T saw this, it would have a different business model. It would stop trying to make its network special. Instead, it would ride open industry trajectories and emphasize its compatibility with other networks. It would build fat, dumb pipes. It would concentrate on delivering the most bits to the most people at the lowest cost. And it would leave "value added" to the people who build applications for the smart IP-enabled devices at the new edge of the network - the customer premises. (David S. Isenberg, Ph.D., is principal prosultant (sm) at isen.com inc., a telecoms analysis firm in Westfield, New Jersey. From 1985 to 1999 he served as a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at AT&T (Bell) Labs.) (Prosultant is a service mark of isen.com inc.) ------- QUOTE OF NOTE: Kevin Werbach "We take it for granted that IP networks are open, but that's not preordained." (from Release 1.0, 19 February 1999, p. 2) ------- WHY EQUAL ACCESS FOR CABLE MATTERS, By David S. Isenberg Perhaps the article above is wrong. Perhaps AT&T's management actually *does* grasp the business impact of internetworking. Perhaps AT&T's executives *do* understand how the Internet threatens its business model. (AT&T's people are not stupid, they're just locked in by their incumbency, their legacy, and their culture.) So perhaps AT&T's move into cable TV is a conscious attempt to re-establish vertical control of the communications industry, to pre-empt competition in broadband services before anybody notices, before there are even one million cable modem households. In an all-IP world, there are only two ways to gain "control." You can write better code. Or you can establish a dominant, domineering market position -- a single-provider network. AT&T now has controlling stakes in both @Home and Roadrunner, the two dominant Cable Internet Service Providers. And its new 3% solution with Microsoft could give the duo vertical, monopoly-like control over broadband networks, operating systems and applications at the household edges of the newly unified broadband network. The FCC is in a bind. They are charged with bringing competition to local phone service under the 1996 Telecom Act. But the Act was written for a future that never came, a future of strong cable companies and 500 "interactive" channels -- plus telephony over cable. The Act did not anticipate the strength of new satellite TV services (DBS) or the extent to which the 1994 re-regulation of cable would weaken the finances of cable operators. AT&T knows only high profit-margin businesses. In its new cable-access initiatives, its numbers work best when AT&T cable customers are locked into AT&T telephone services and AT&T Internet services. If cable were regulated like phone service, with equal access to any phone company and any Internet service the customer wants, AT&T's business case would be weakened. So C. Mike tells the FCC that AT&T might not create local phone competition (via IP telephony over cable) if the FCC applies equal access rules to cable. And the FCC, still under the gun to make local phone competition happen, feels the pressure of an impatient congress to yield to AT&T. From today's perspective, the Faustian bargain is a no-brainer: Give AT&T a big break on something that isn't quite here yet, something that nobody will notice for a few years. In return, AT&T promises tangible local phone competition. Politically -- that is to say, in the short term, with the most immediate good P.R. -- it'd be the right thing to do. The next winner app is Audio on Demand. The second most searched word on the Internet these days is MP3. MP3 is warping the traffic patterns on corporate networks. Yet it is strange that nobody I know has an MP3 player, but everybody wants one. The last time I went to MP3.com to download it, I couldn't get in. MP3.com was too crowded. Audio on demand works -- barely -- at modem speeds. It needs more, so it works better at DSL/Cable Modem/LAN speeds. This presages a Video on Demand revolution. As surely as TV followed radio, Video on Demand will flare as soon as the technology is in place. It has ignited, but DSL and Cable Modem are inadequate fuel. When truly broad bandwidth arrives, and when PC interfaces can keep up -- burn, baby, burn! Nearsighted regulators and politicians (and self-interested business leaders) will call DSL competition. But DSL is tied to copper circuits. When there is no copper, there is no DSL. Cable is different -- it's a bus, and when you get too much traffic for one bus, the economics support two busses. The fiber gets pushed deeper and deeper into the neighborhood, until -- theoretically -- there is one fiber per home. So when bandwidth demands outrun DSL's capacity, there will be cable. And now we see who the dominant provider of that cable will be. The dominant cable provider also will be the dominant provider of TV. When that provider sees the disruptive power of its own broadband Internet-enabled grassroots Video on Demand revolution upon its own TV business, it is likely to cripple the former to protect the latter. (They'll probably say they're improving it.) Imagine, for a minute, that the big record companies also controlled today's Internet. How do you think they'd react to today's bottom-up Audio on Demand revolution? Catch my drift? Some will say that there is no danger, that AT&T has forgotten how to execute. This is possible, perhaps even likely, but I do not take any pleasure in betting against my alma mater and the competence of my friends. Others will say that the newly dominant AT&T will succumb to the rowdy feedback of disruptive technology in the marketplace. Yes, I'd agree, but how long will it take, and at what cost? The genie is out of the bottle, and if it can't breathe free in the United States, somebody will give it a friendly home. (The encryption fiasco was small potatoes compared to this.) Equal access seems to me cheap insurance against the re-verticalization of the communications infrastructure. Equal access could be a much-needed stitch in time that keeps the fabric of the Stupid Network from unraveling when the giant pulls a thread. Equal access will keep the cauldron of new applications and technologies bubbling. Equal access will benefit everybody except AT&T's largest shareholders. And ultimately they will benefit too. We need the same rules whether two wires twist around each other or one runs through the center of the other. We need equal access for cable. ------- MAKING AN ALLY OF PIRACY, By Jaron Lanier From the Sunday New York Times, May 9, 1999 [Note: A few weeks ago, Clayton Christensen told me that people seem to learn more from stories about disruptive technologies in industries other than their own. I was going to write something about the disruptive effects of MP3 on the record labels, in hope that we'd learn about telecom from it, but Jaron explains it so cleanly and compellingly that I pirated his New York Times article intact. -- David I] Since January, major labels have been meeting to develop a system of distributing music on the Internet to combat what they see as piracy. Jaron Lanier, a virtual-reality pioneer and a musician, sees things differently. He is developing what he considers to be a more sensible plan for the emerging digital economy, and here is an excerpt from his manifesto, "Piracy Is Your Friend." "Piracy is a phony issue that record labels are hyping to rip off artists. Piracy has always existed. That's why there's a mountain of blank cassettes in any big electronic store. "When someone decides to buy your music instead of copying it, they're doing it for a lot of reasons. Maybe they're ethical. Maybe they like the convenience of not having to hassle with the uncertainty of copying something -- Will it come out right? Is it done yet? Maybe it's their way of expressing good will to you. "But face it, if your music wasn't available for free in some form, no one would have a chance to hear it to decide to buy it in the first place. The old form of "free" music was radio (which is often taped by pirates) and MTV, but eventually the Internet is going to take over everything. There will still be TV and radio, but they'll be implemented digitally. Give it 10 years. When that happens, the idea of not giving away music for free will be exactly the same thing as never promoting music at all. "The real question should not be, "How can I keep my fans from hearing my music for free?" It should be, "How can I best make money from my fans?" Those are two different questions. Sure, you "lose" money to pirates. But you also lose money to a label that isn't doing anything for you. "It used to be that a label was needed to finance, manufacture, store, ship and market your music. That's how they earned their cut. The arrangement made sense. If the music business wasn't shrinking before our eyes, it would still make sense. "But in the digital era, it costs nothing to ship your music over the Internet to a fan. So the biggest reason for labels just went away. "As for financing, well, if advances were stacked up against finance deals in other industries, they'd look a lot like usury -- except that they aren't even loans: once they're paid back, the label still owns the master. There is simply no worse conceivable form of financing. We can do better if we take charge of our own careers. "But what about marketing? Can labels still do that? Of course they can, for a few big acts. But once you are established, your own Web site connects with your fan base better than the label can. "Even if you are a huge artist, think whether in the course of your whole career, not just the next couple of years, you lose more money to pirates or to labels who will be taking most of your money for no reason at all? "When somebody in a dorm room buys thousands of dollars' worth of gear and stays up all night hacking MP3's just to get "free" music, that's what you call an opportunity, not a problem. You have found yourself a new generation of fanatics. The only problem is that computer companies are making the money right now instead of musicians. "Labels can't prevent piracy. No one can. I know computers as well as anyone on the planet, and I promise you, kids will break whatever copy protection scheme the labels come up with. And the industry knows it. "In fact, the easier it is to copy music, the less of a threat piracy will become. When piracy gets easier, professional pirates have less to offer. The only pirates left will be fans. And there are lots of ways to make money from fans. "The reason the Recording Industry Association of America and the labels are pushing anti-piracy laws and technologies has nothing to do with preventing piracy. They're doing it so that they can control the new digital music channels. To keep anyone else, like you, from sharing the power. "They're doing it to rip you off. Period. "You can make more money in the new era of "free" digital music. But only if you break free of label mind control." ------- QUOTE OF NOTE: Tom Petzinger "All the bandwidth in the world can convey only a fraction of what we are." (from "The Front Lines," Wall Street Journal, 4/23/99) CONFERENCES ON MY CALENDAR May 23-26, 1999, Washington DC. 7x24 EXCHANGE 1999 Spring Conference. 7x24 is a non-profit consortium that is devoted to always-on facilities of all kinds. Today they're weighted towards electric power and financial services industries, but they want and need more telecom involvement. It could be a great forum for us to learn about reliability from individuals with similar practices in different industries. I'll be giving the keynote, on Tuesday, May 25, on "Reliability and the Stupid Network." For more information, contact Joe Paladino, 212-575-2275, axiomny@aol.com, website forthcoming. May 26-28, 1999, Laguna Niguel CA. VORTEX!!! By invit- ation only. If you have not been invited yet, and you can pay the hefty freight (see www.vortex99.com) write to Bob Metcalfe [metcalfe@idg.net] and tell him how SMART you are. Maybe he'll invite you. (It *will* be good!) September 27-29, 1999, Lake Tahoe CA. George Gilder's TELECOSM! Save these dates . . . I'm putting a high-level panel together on The Stupid Network. For more information, watch http://www.forbes.com/conf/Telecosm99/index.html ------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Redistribution of this document, or any part of it, is permitted for non-commercial purposes, provided that the two lines below are reproduced with it: Copyright 1999 by David S. Isenberg isen@isen.com -- http://www.isen.com/ -- 1-888-isen-com ------- [to subscribe to the SMART list, please send a brief, PERSONAL statement to isen@isen.com (put "SMART" in the Subject field) saying who you are, what you do, maybe who you work for, maybe how you see your work connecting to mine, and why you are interested in joining the SMART List.] [to unsubscribe to the SMART List, send a brief unsubscribe message to isen@isen.com] [for past SMART Letters, see http://www.isen.com/archives/index.html] ------- *--------------------isen.com----------------------* David S. Isenberg isen@isen.com isen.com, inc. http://www.isen.com/ 1-888-isen-com 1-908-654-0772 *--------------------isen.com----------------------* isen.com -- the brains behind The Stupid Network *--------------------isen.com----------------------*
Date last modified: 14 May 99