The Rise of the Stupid Network was originally written during a single long weekend in May 1997 by David S. Isenberg while he was an employee of AT&T Labs Research. It was officially released onto the Internet by AT&T in June 1997. It was printed (without permission, with some bad editing, and with the last few hundred words truncated) by Computer Telephony in its August 1997 issue.
If you want to cite an official, public, printed version, cite Computer Telephony, August 1997, pg 16-26.
Isenberg left AT&T in January 1998. Shortly after that, AT&T asked Isenberg to remove The Rise of the Stupid Network from the website. Isenberg wanted to make AT&T happy so he took it off. (It didn't work; AT&T is still not happy.)
However, you can still find The Rise of the Stupid Network
at these two fine websites:
In addition, there is a Japanese translation (in several formats) by Masakazu
Sato at:
(Japanese PDF),
(Japanese MS WORD),
(GIF Image, works without Japanese type fonts.)
Find the Korean translation by Kwon Hyung Roh at:
Please come back to when you're done reading . . .
Date last modified: 6 August 2002