Tuesday, March 09, 2004


WTF: Roxane Googin to deliver opening keynote

Whoever Treasures Fun:

The dynamic Roxane Googin will make an extremely rare public
appearance at WTF, where she will deliver the Friday night
(4/2) keynote at 8:00 PM.

Roxane was the first person I know who "called" the telecom
bubble. She was the brains behind what David Weinberger
and I call "The Paradox of the Best Network,"
http://netparadox.com .

Usually Rox only works rooms with long varnished tables
surrounded by grey-haired, Italian-suited men. I don't
know why she's agreed to come to WTF, but I'm not going
to argue. If you don't get at least one new thought
during her talk, check into the nearest emergency room
stat for an EEG.

David I

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