Sunday, October 24, 2004


Chairman Mike: We're citizens, not consumers

Doc Searls goes off on FCC Chairman Michael K. Powell -- justifiably! -- for Powell's VON speech the other day, where he says stuff like
To realize the innovation dream that IP communications promises, however, we must ensure that a willing provider can reach a willing consumer over the broadband connection. Ensuring that consumers can obtain and use the content, applications, and devices they choose is critical to unlocking the vast potential of the Internet.
Provider? Consumer? What is this, TV with a "buy" button? It's not the Internet that I know. Doc observes:
Excuse me, dude, but I'm not just a fucking "consumer" and I don't just want fucking "access." Me and my friends here want to want to blow up the whole fucking system you're protecting. You're a nice guy and all, and have some nice things to say, but you're fucking in the way. Please step aside . . . Freedom of "access" is bullshit. Freedom to speak, produce, write, perform and do business is what it's about. Maintaining the old one2many plumbing mentality is a shame and a sham. And worse, delusional."
Hear, hear! Chairman Powell is a very smart guy who is hip to the technology -- and some aspects of the marketplace -- in ways that no other FCC Commissioner has ever been before.

You know the the one about crossing the chasm in small steps, right? There he gooooooooooooes . . .

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