Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Intel supports Muni Broadband!

With municipal broadband efforts under attack in Pennsylvania, Indiana, Louisiana and elsewhere, Intel is throwing its weight behind muni initiatives. This article says
In a speech [today?] at the Wireless Communications Association in San Jose, Calif., Intel Executive Vice President Sean Maloney is expected to encourage commercial service providers and public agencies such as city governments and municipalities to work together in building out new broadband infrastructure.
In the same article, a source close to Intel says,
"Sole responsibility, either from government or a single carrier, of a city's wireless network is not the best solution for growing the market . . . A sharing of responsibilities is what will encourage broadband adoption, and that will be a key point in Intel's policy proposal."
This is big news. Cisco, Microsoft and other equipment makers should take note!

via Jim Baller!

I'm not sure what the Intel source means when he says "Sole responsibility, either from government or a single carrier, ... is not the best solution for the growing market." The only role I see for commercial service providers are cost-plus contracts for the buildout and maintenance from the municipalities. But when all is said and done, sole responsibility is going to lie with the gov't.
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