Saturday, January 08, 2005


Modern Day Communist

So Bill Gates calls us creative commons types Modern Day Communists.

Reminds me of the time my fifth grade teacher called me and my friend Kenny Communists because we weren't standing in a straight enough line. Petty.

Microsoft dominates the edge but kowtows towards the center. If the Microsoft edge were not only smart but also wise, Microsoft might have been a company we all looked up to, a company that did the right thing instead of the rich thing, a company we could love. I know Bill Gates has a sense of shame, albeit well hidden, and that he can change. Would building a great, wise, lovable company be sufficient incentive? Or is money the only valid measure of Gates' success?

Not only does Microsoft kowtow to the center, but they believe in it at some level. Ultimately we will be renting our software from them and doing pay per use (they would love to go there).

Ultimately they are about control rather than tools. Not that this is uncommon.
Bill the kid realizes that Linux, and operating systems built on Linux, are going to destroy his operating system monopoly.

This is inevitable.

One should not expect saurians to accept the fate of their evolution.

Name-calling is just the surface behavior of a reptillian mind busy with trying to stave off extinction.

The commie thing reveals just how desperate Billy has become. For a mind in turmoil logic is the first thing to go the wayside. Thus Billy finds he must argue against free software on the one hand, and pretend he didn't kill Netscape with that very technique.

This is all richly humorous.

Thanks Billy for the billy-laugh...
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