Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Reliable Source: Martin to Chair FCC

Tim Horan, CIBC analyst, friend and reliable source says it's Martin for FCC Chair. In an email report on CIBC letterhead, Tim says:
Why is Kevin Martin the most likely Chairman?
President Bush rewards loyalty and we believe that Kevin Martin has showed
a lot of loyalty to the President.
• He was one of the first campaign volunteers to work in Florida during the
2000 Presidential voting problems.
• We believe that the White House’s FCC strategy was to prevent the
Democrats from making it a 2004 campaign issue. Kevin Martin’s stance
on UNE-P and other media issues greatly assisted this process.
• Kevin Martin’s wife has strong ties to the White House as an advisor to
the President on economic policy.
Because Commissioner Martin is already on the FCC board he will not have
to go through a potentially embarrassing congressional confirmation
Mr. Martin will probably have the least amount of industry criticism. The
long-distance companies and CLECs have viewed Commissioner Martin
positively in the past. The RBOCs believe that UNE-P is behind them and
would not want to disrupt the process at this point.
Commissioner Martin will probably leave if he is not appointed, meaning that
all three Republican Commissioners will be new creating a lengthy learning
curve from them.

Powell was one of the few smart spots in Washington. We couldn't expect another long tail appointment right away, could we now?

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