Friday, June 17, 2005


Muni Wireless Conference Announced

Esme Vos, the moving force of, has just announced her first conference, Sept 26 & 27th in San Francisco. She writes:
I’ve been covering the municipal wireless arena for over two years now. In that time, I’ve learned so much about what it takes to do successful muni wireless deployments, and developed so many wonderful relationships, that I felt it was time to start bringing the community together.
It is clear from my visit this week to Wi-Fi Planet and from my experience last week at The New York City Council's hearing on "Affordable Broadband for All New Yorkers" that the time is ripe for this.

I wish it didn't conflict with the most excellent NGN conference, being held this year in Washington, DC, where it is certain to add policy issues to its usual tech-heavy agenda. It is too early to know my own schedule, but if I can go to both, I'll probably split my time.

I also wish Esme had called it, "MuniBroadband." She has branding issues, of course; she does business as But I wish that the name of the conference did not rule out wired forms, or hybrid-fiber-wireless municipal networking on its face.

Nevertheless, Esme's conference is likely to become the focal point for a movement that is gathering huge momentum.

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