Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Duck and CYA

Aptly, September is National Security Month. Got duct tape?

In a Nuclear Blast,
" . . . close windows and doors, turn off air conditioners, heaters or other ventilation systems. Stay where you are, watch TV, listen to the radio, or check the Internet for official news . . . "
In a Flood
Listen to the radio or television for information . . . If you have time, bring in outdoor furniture . . . Disconnect electrical appliances. Do not touch electrical equipment if you are wet or standing in water.
In a Hurricane
Moor your boat if time permits . . . [and then] . . . lie on the floor under a table or another sturdy object.
Every day in September there's a "Tip of the Day." Today's tip says
. . . remember to practice your tornado, fire escape or other disaster plans.
OK, so I am blogging this sitting under my desk covered by a wet blanket.
Who writes this stuff? Jackie Mason? Chris Rock? Jon Stewart? (Nah, Stewart makes jokes about real news.) Do we actually pay tax dollars for this, tax dollars that could be used, oh, say, for kevlar vests in Iraq, vaccine research, stronger levees, conservation (as in conservative) or alternative energy research?

Thanks to Jerry Nelson for pointing to this gala holiday. Jerry writes,
Karen Hughes, Bush's newly named Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, will be contacting you with tips on how to stage your 911 Anniversary Celebrations.
We don't need smaller government. We don't need bigger government. We need Competent Government. Throw these Homeland pretender bums out.

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