Monday, December 05, 2005


How Skype might help bring Network Neutrality

Mitch Shapiro, writing in IP Democracy, says
. . . there may be a scenario in which Skype [. . . could increase] public awareness of the network neutrality issue . . . In this scenario, call quality problems experienced by Skype users could [be blamed] on pipe-owners seeking to limit customer choice and unfairly hobble competitors.
Hmmm! Interesting. But all the standard disclaimers still apply. Shapiro goes on
. . . in the age of blogs and electronic word of mouth, PR muscle isn’t as overwhelming an advantage as it used to be (though control of the pipes may remain so). And, as Sony’s recent debacle suggests, if clumsily executed in the face of expanding consumer outrage, a corporate PR defense can actually make things worse.
We can do our part by expressing our outrage when they're outrageous. Early. And often.

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Skype must be doing something right! That deal with e-bay is just crazy! Billions!
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