Monday, February 20, 2006


Paraphrase of note: Michael K. Powell

Mike Powell is, above all else, charming. He's a politician, and a good one. At the Silicon Flatirons Telecom Summit, he held forth on the rough and tumble chaos of the innovative marketplace, but avoided just about any mention of infrastructure, even his baby spectrum re-regulation.

But by far, to me, the most important remark Powell made was (and I paraphrase, I couldn't type fast enough):
The Washington DC political process is more broken now than at any other time I've seen in my life. It has collapsed in on itself. I went home and asked my father [Colin Powell] if I was missing something, and he agreed with me that the process has collapsed into pure partisanship. The power of the incumbency has grown. People are not concerned with what's right or what's in the nations interest, they are purely interested in killing their opponents.
He went on in this vein for several minutes. He did not qualify or weaken his remarks. He's pissed.

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I wonder if he's ever asked his dad why dad lied so profoundly in order to help start the invasion of Iraq .. or why dad might not come out publicly now about everything he knows about all the machinations that are sure to have gone on.

Now, that would really be something to be righteously pissed about ... no ? It certainly was a giant first step towards the conditions which annoy him today.
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