Monday, March 06, 2006
Is this a Violation of Military Justice Code?

From DOD Directive 1344.10, August 2, 2004:
While on active duty, however, members are prohibited from engaging in certain political activities. The following DoD policy shall apply:
4.1.1. A member on active duty may:
*snip* Attend partisan and nonpartisan political meetings, rallies, or conventions as a spectator when not in uniform.
4.1.2. A member on active duty shall not:
*snip* Participate in partisan political management, campaigns, or conventions (unless attending a convention as a spectator when not in uniform).
So what is happening here, where "more than 250 Republicans gathered in Fort Collins on Friday night for the Larimer County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner," according to the local paper? Imagine marines in uniform at a Dean rally or a meeting of the Sierra Club . . . do you think that'd be OK with the current regime?
[source, source]
Technorati Tags: Politics, Law, War
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