Monday, June 12, 2006


Howard Dean Resigns from NCBCP over Network Neutrality

I posted this when I learned that DNC head and former presidential candidate Howard Dean was on the board of the National Coalition for Black Civic Participation, an organization that is opposed to Network Neutrality. In my post I detailed his promise to either get NCBCP to change its position or resign.

I guess Dean was unable to get NCBCP to change its position, because I got a brief email from Howard Dean last Friday saying,
I have resigned from the board as of June 9 and asked that my name be taken off all correspondance and websites.
As of this morning, Dean's name was still listed on the NCBCP's Board, but I expect this will change presently.

Also, seems that Howard Dean endorsed Network Neutrality at the YearlyKos Conference. One paraphrase said,
Dean touched on [network neutrality] and stated his commitment to keeping phone companies from controlling the internet and essentially limiting access and regulating the internet.
Good for him. I was starting to worry . . .

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