Monday, October 23, 2006


Edelman, Walmart and Weinberger

I used to buy the Walmart PR about using IT to take the cost out of transactions, but then the wool came off my eyes -- they were taking costs out of the hide of their employees too -- when I watched the Robert Greenwald's Movie on it. Several contemporaneous news stories reinforced this impression. So I had major cognitive dissonance when my friend David Weinberger revealed he was involved with Walmart's PR agency, Edelman. I wanted to think good of Edelman and Weinberger, but their relationship with WalMart made me feel anxious and unresolved. Now, I am gratified to see that Weinberger is struggling with his relationship with Edelman over the WalMart issue. I empathize with Weinberger's angst. But I'm glad he's struggling with it.

Meanwhile, I wish David Weinberger would tell us who, specifically, he thinks is "foaming at the mouth partisan" in the network neutrality debate! I asked him directly who, on any side, he thinks is foaming at the mouth, and he could not name a single person. Without such specifics, remarks like this tend to minimize the entire network neutrality debate.

[Disclosure: I have a lot invested in my friendship with Weinberger, and I greedily want the value of my investment to rise.]

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