Saturday, October 13, 2007


O'Reilly ETel cancelled

The ETel Web site is terminally terse:
Due to changed circumstances since ETel 2008 was announced,
we have decided not to move forward with the conference,
which was scheduled for March 3-4, 2008.
Thus ends one of the best meetings in the field! Does anybody know what caused O'Reilly to pull the plug?

Update: Lee Dryburgh's take on the cancellation:
It would be a complete understatement to say that I was extremely
disappointed when I heard earlier that ETel 2008 had been
cancelled. In fact I was utterly pi**ed.

MORE UPDATA: Lee Dryburgh is trying to put together a conference called EmergingComm to fill ETel's void. Target date March-ish.

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Perhaps one of the Isen conferences could fill the gap?
That is the second "e-Conference" that O'Reilly has cancelled in the past three months. Perhaps they perceive too little interest (not likely) or they aren't getting the rate of return they expect?
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