Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Porter Stansberry's dinner with Ann Coulter

My friend, investment newsletter publisher Porter Stansberry, with whom I have had, um, ah, vigorous discussions on peak oil, global warming, the role of government and other issues, had dinner with Ann Coulter and one mutual friend a few days ago. In his "Stansberry and Associates Digest," dateline today, he reports

I thought, regardless of her rabid political views, surely Ann Coulter is an intelligent, curious, well-read person who has insight into the world...

Wrong. Dead wrong.

Ann Coulter is stunningly ignorant of the issues outside of constitutional law (she is a lawyer) and politics. Thus, in her view, politics is both the cause of all of our problems and the only possible solution . . . Ann Coulter had never heard of the gold standard. She didn't believe us when we told her that in 1933 FDR seized all of the privately held bullion in the country, then devalued the dollar – probably the greatest financial crime in history. She didn't even know it was illegal for citizens to own bullion up until 1974. Bretton Woods? Coulter thought we were talking about tennis rackets.
Put one more item in the "we agree" column.

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To "Anonymous" with gripe about Stansberry and Associates refund policy: I'm not publishing your comment, but I did send it to Porter Stansberry, who (a) was surprised you're having that problem, and (b) told me he would be happy to give any refund due if you would only contact him directly and make your case! If you're not sure how to reach Porter, send me email and I'll tell you.
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