Thursday, November 29, 2007


Crawford on Verizon Announcement

Susan Crawford articulates the skepticism about the Verizon Wireless announcement yesterday that many of us feel when she writes:

. . . the issues surrounding internet access via wireless handsets (and any other modality) remain. The fact is that granting network providers the right to exclude (or degrade) unwanted uses of their systems will very likely interfere with unanticipated, as-yet-unborn, and socially valuable developments. The default rule that grants that right is still in place, and can only be removed by legislation. It’s undeniable that network owners will tend to systematically undervalue the social/economic benefits of open access.

It's all but certain that network access providers will undervalue whatever they can't monitize.

Elsewhere, DSL Reports says that Verizon

. . . is a company that would probably rather die than become a "dumb pipe" provider of bandwidth.
It suspects that Verizon's plan is to monitize the traffic itself. If it does so explicitly, transparently, without discrimination and without gouging, it is the least bad alternative.

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