Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Announcing F2C: Freedom to Connect!

March 31 and April 1, 2008.
So far, confirmed presenters include:
* Tim Wu, Professor, Columbia Law School, Author of Wireless Carterphone (2007)
* Tom Evslin, founder ITXC, founder AT&T WorldNet, blogger, author, telecom activist
* Reed Hundt, former chairman of the FCC
* Andrew Rasiej, co-founder, Personal Democracy Forum
* Bill St. Arnaud, Chief Research Officer CANARIE and green-broadband blogger
* Brad Templeton, Chairman, Electronic Frontier Foundation
* Katrin Verclas, former Exec. Director NTEN, MobileActive blogger.
* Robin Chase, founder of ZipCar, entrepreneuse and environmentalist.
Additional speakers will be announced as they're confirmed -- the list is rapidly
growing! The Freedom to Connect Web site will be updated as new information arrives.
I'll also post major announcements to, to stay current, you can subscribe to the rss feed.
I'm working to make F2C: Freedom to Connect the best F2C ever. We'll have
great speakers, copious bandwidth, wireless apps for audience participation,
great food, an incredible musician, a friendly, comfortable venue, and
(of course) the pleasure and edification of each other's company.
(If you've been to F2C, you know what I mean.) I'm working on a VERY special
reception for Monday evening; I hope to announce details soon.
Have a good idea for an April 1 event? Write to me ;-)
Special "very early bird" prices are in effect through January 6th.
The prices will go up as March 31 approaches, so if you're coming,
please register now. If you're a government employee working in telecom
or Internet policy, or a member of the working press covering telecom
or Internet, or if you really want to come but find the admission fee
prohibitive, write to me and make your case.
I hope to meet all the readers of at F2C: Freedom to Connect!
Technorati Tags: Conferences, F2C, F2C2008, Nethead
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