Tuesday, December 18, 2007


How we defeated telecom immunity

Salon's Glenn Greenwald has a very good Salon article showing how we used the Internet, and the freedom of speech appurtenant thereto, to (temporarily) put the kibosh on retroactive immunity for unwarranted telecom spying embodied in the erstwhile Senate FISA bill.

Greenwald's conclusion:
The most important value of victories of this sort is that they ought to serve as a potent tonic against defeatism, regardless of the ultimate outcome. And successes like this can and should provide a template for how to continue to strengthen these efforts. Yesterday's victory, temporary as it is, shouldn't be over-stated, but it also shouldn't be minimized. All of it stemmed from the spontaneous passion and anger of hundreds of thousands of individuals demanding that telecoms be subject to the rule of law like everyone else. And this effort could have been -- and, with this additional time, still can be -- much bigger and stronger still.

As long as the Internet remains free, that is.

[Thanks for the pointer to Rob Berger via Dewayne Hendricks' dewayne-net technology list.]

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