Sunday, December 09, 2007
Miso, 1995-2007

We had to put Miso down a week ago last Friday. She had cancer, and we'd had her on palliative care (prednisone) since last June. She was eating less and less, vomiting after every meal and losing weight. Finally she just about stopped eating.
Our vet came to our house to do the deed. Miso's consciousness faded as she lay in my arms while I stroked her with her favorite hairbrush. That's how I want to go -- in the familiar surroundings of my home, with good drugs, in the arms of somebody who loves me.
Miso was the least intelligent of our three cats. She was completely trusting, and her every affection and desire were completely transparent. I will miss her.
Technorati Tags: RIP
I'm so sorry to hear this. even some 11 years later there is still an empty spot in my heart for my dear friend Basil who I had to have put down when she too became too ill.
I'm so sorry to hear this. even some 11 years later there is still an empty spot in my heart for my dear friend Basil who I had to have put down when she too became too ill.
I am so sorry for your loss. We have just gone through the same thing:
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I am so sorry for your loss. We have just gone through the same thing: