Thursday, January 24, 2008


Comcast continues P2P blocking

A reporter from the San Francisco Weekly and a white-hat hacker have directly confirmed, once again, that Comcast continues to inject reset packets to disrupt peer-to-peer traffic, such as Bittorrent traffic that potentially carries Internet video that competes with Comcast's own video entertainment offers.

The SF Weekly story says:
The experiment Eckersley and I ran replicates private and public versions that emerged last fall through an Associated Press story. That story confirmed what many in software circles knew for most of 2007: Comcast has been looking at its users' Web traffic and secretly blocking some of the Internet, namely BitTorrent uploads, to users outside Comcast's network.

This is tantamount to putting nails in the road for traffic management.

Thanks to boingboing for the pointer!

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