Friday, January 25, 2008


Hillary Clinton's User Interface is broken

Some programmers die by shampoo. I died holding the phone, pressing zero, and waiting to leave a comment that was "very important" to the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Obama's fighting against illegal telco spying. So's Edwards. Maybe Clinton too, and I want to call to urge her to stop campaigning for a few hours, go to the Senate and exert leadership to persuade a few more Senators to vote against cloture so AT&T's warrantless spying isn't retroactively decriminalized.

[Can you believe the spineless Democratic Senators who want to let the telcos off the hook?Apparently these include Rockefeller, Bayh, Mikulski, Pryor, Salazar, McCaskill, Nelson (FL), Carper, Nelson (NE), Landrieu, Inouye, and Johnson. (Oh, by the way, if the thing never goes to trial Bushco misdeeds stay covered up too!)]

So I call Clinton's Senate office, (202) 228-0282, and it is busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy at least twelve times in a row.

Then I call Clinton's campaign office, (703) 469-2008, and after a long voice menu there's a chance to leave a message in "The General Mailbox" -- you'd think they'd call it "The Citizen Comment Mailbox" or maybe *have* a special mailbox for citizen comments -- and the announcement says, "Your comments are very important to us, please leave a message . . . We're sorry this mailbox is full, press zero for more assistance," and when I press zero I'm right back to the General Mailbox message, an infinite loop.

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