Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Pic>1kword: How Hillary won in New Hampshire

Source: Matthew Yglesias in [link]

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I saw an interesting article somewhere today (I think it was on scienceblogs)that showed Clinton got a 3% boost over Obama simply because NH changed the rules this time about how the candidates are listed on the ballot. In the past (since electronic voting) the order of the candidates was randomized for EACH voter thus eliminating any advantage for any particular candidate appearing at the top of a long list. This time what NH did was randomly (supposedly) select a letter from which to start the list then the candidates appeared alphabetically from that point on,in the same order for each voter. The letter "chosen" was Z so in effect the list was straight alphabetical starting from A which meant Clinton was number 2 right after Biden in a long list with Obama down near the bottom. That alone gave Clinton a 3% advantage
Here's a link that goes into detail on this
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