Thursday, January 31, 2008
Stroke, Medical Emergency

Seconds count. Minutes are critical.
Do the S.T.R.O.(ke) test by asking the suspected stroke patient:
S: Smile,
T: Talk
R: Raise both arms
O: Open mouth and Stick out Tongue
If there's asymmetry, it's an emergency. If the smile is crooked, if both arms don't go up together, if the tongue goes to one side, or if the potential patient can't say a simple sentence (e.g., "It's a sunny day today.") without slurring, rush patient to Emergency Room ASAP. Don't be polite when you get there; yell "Stroke," until you get help.
Alternatively, call an ambulance on 911. Your judgment.
The important thing is DON'T WAIT for the brain to swell, for the affected area to go hypoxic, etc. By then it's too late, brain damage has occurred; early treatment can prevent swelling and hypoxia.
If there's asymmetry, there's an emergency.
Early treatment can prevent brain damage or death.
Here's a story sent by a friend:
During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine . . . she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, she went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening.Please pass the word to at least ten other people who don't read . . .
Her husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital. She died that evening. She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps she would be with us today.
Technorati Tags: 911, CognitivePsychology, PublicServiceAnnouncement, MedicalEmergency
Good post, it's been floating around lately.
Also consider asprin
Couple of years ago, my father, living next door got up from a nap, "wasn't right" and we rushed him to the hospital ... not even 911.
Luckly the hospital had been alerted, and was treating him while we started paperwork.
Most damage avoided
Now as to the asprin
His was a bleeder, not a block, seems that this is true for about 10% of all strokes.
But doctors said asprin was right thing, just in case.
Today, he's pretty much better, but takes life more of "one day at a time" and sell stubborn.
Keep up the good work...
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Good post, it's been floating around lately.
Also consider asprin
Couple of years ago, my father, living next door got up from a nap, "wasn't right" and we rushed him to the hospital ... not even 911.
Luckly the hospital had been alerted, and was treating him while we started paperwork.
Most damage avoided
Now as to the asprin
His was a bleeder, not a block, seems that this is true for about 10% of all strokes.
But doctors said asprin was right thing, just in case.
Today, he's pretty much better, but takes life more of "one day at a time" and sell stubborn.
Keep up the good work...