Wednesday, March 12, 2008


"Outraged Diatribe" by Isenberg

Richard Martin missed my measured analytic approach in my Ecomm talk today in his article today in Information Week, where he wrote:

The issue of "network neutrality" . . . was the subject of an outraged diatribe from David Isenberg, former research scientist at AT&T (NYSE: T) Laboratories and the author of an influential 1997 paper called "The Rise of the Stupid Network." Isenberg pointed out that political developments quashed the "Competitive Local Exchange Carriers in the early 2000s and that the national Internet service business is in many ways an oligopoly, with the network providers now "trying to move up the stack" to control the applications that run over their networks.

"We need to have a neutral network," said Isenberg to applause from the audience, "where the owners of the physical infrastructure can't exercise discriminatory practices against applications they don't participate in and shut out the competition.

Remarking that the eComm audience represents "several hundred apps," Isenberg concluded, "If you guys care about your jobs you should care about the politics in Washington D.C., because the phone companies will shut you down or buy you out and you won't exist."

California is too far from Washington. I wanted the innovators in the audience to wake up and smell the coffee burning.

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