Sunday, March 30, 2008
F2C: Freedom to Connect is Monday

Here, for bookmark purposes, are a few items off the top of my head:
The Verizon Open Development Forum, which I attended, was substantially different than I thought it would be, a lot more Henry Chesbrough than Tim Wu. This is not necessarily good, but not necessarily evil either.I'm certainly forgetting several other bloggables . . . Meanwhile, on the F2C Front:
The 700 MHz auctions ended, winners announced, same-old same-old.
Comcast recanted! It is trying to manage its network in non-app-specific ways. Yay? Or yeah, right?
Pulvermedia, my one-time partner in F2C, is rumored to be near demise.
There was a great story in the WashPost about Ben Scott, the spark plug of Free Press's Network Neutrality engine.
New speakers include Obama Tech Consultant Alec Ross, Vermont FTTH guru Tim Nulty and PublicKnowledge co-founder Gigi Sohn.See you at F2C on Monday!
Last minute cancellations include, Jonas Birgersson, Tom Evslin and Andrew Rasiej. I'm disappointed . . . I understand that real life sometimes intervenes, but each F2C speaker seems to me a bit like a family member -- it hurts when I lose 'em.
F2C has a new logo -- see the upper left of this post! It works nicely on this year's t-shirts!
F2C will be webcast and there will be a chat-in feature. You can join us even if you can't be there. See for details
Technorati Tags: Comcast, F2C, F2C2008, FreePress, NetworkNeutrality, PublicKnowledge, Verizon
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