Tuesday, September 02, 2008


The leading edge of Internet creativity

It is becoming clear that Internet leadership is a shrinking U.S. prerogative. If you're looking for the leading edge of creativity, a very good guess would be Picnic'08, to be held in Amsterdam, NL, September 24-26. It is no accident that Amsterdam is now home to one of the best, fastest, richest-connected fiber optic networks in the world.

The theme of Picnic this year is "Collaborative Creativity." The list of speakers includes friends like Clay Shirky, Ethan Zuckerman and Jeff Jarvis, and also Itay Talgam, who gives a great talk on how conductors communicate with their orchestras. But, more importantly, there's a whole range of speakers who I don't know at all or with whom I only have a passing familiarity -- this is where I learn the most. That's why I'm going!

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What does Amsterdam CityNet cost individuals per month?
@MJM There are multiple providers on Citynet in Amsterdam. There is therefore no single price. Have a look here for answers http://www.glasvezelamsterdam.nl/index2.php

@isen If you want to meet up with Dutch people I'm game :-)
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