Wednesday, September 10, 2008


U Kentucky shuts off landlines

The University of Kentucky, in Lexington KY, finds that dorm dwellers aren't using plain old telephones anymore, so they're shutting them down. According to, a Web site affiliated with the Cincinnati Enquirer newspaper
The move will save the university $840,000; it pays $25 per land line each month . . . The university's 5,600 dorm residents still can request a phone line, but only seven had done so a day after the academic year began Wednesday . . . A UK survey recently found that 98.2 percent of students in dorms own and prefer to use cell phones.
The article fails to mention dorm room Internet communications or facilities, as if cell phones were the only substitute for land lines.

The University of Kentucky action is a long-predicted harbinger.

[Link to article]

[Hat tip to Jim Baller]

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I'm surprised that no other college has done this yet. Or at least, that they haven't announced that they've done it.
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