Thursday, October 02, 2008
Pic>1kword: Diagraming Palin's Grammar

Here's the sentence: "I know that John McCain will do that and I, as his vice president, families we are blessed with that vote of the American people and are elected to serve and are sworn in on January 20, that will be our top priority is to defend the American people."
UPDATE: Spydersden eloquently puts the essence of the picture above it in well under 1000 words:
It isn't easy to achieve meaninglessness in the context of leadership, but Palin is trying her best. She speaks the broken language of today's disaffected, undereducated lower middle class. She speaks like the WIC mom in the supermarket check out line. Her words are often indecipherable, maybe even inscrutable. They run the gamut from malapropism, to gibberish, to double talk. Her syntax is not that of the English language as we learned it in school. It is the unconventional dissonance of something resembling speech in the strictest form, but it is not speech as we should want it to be. It lacks the precision to truly communicate a series of thoughts into a congruent, cogent form from which we can elucidate any real meaning which would lead to understanding. It misdirects us from an answer to the question at hand into a maze of inscrutable linguistic legerdemain.A hat tip to Dick Campbell for the pointer to this Spydersden article!
Technorati Tags: JohnMcCain, Language, Politics
I have to say that Palin speaks English worse than an English as a second language student. Her inane ramblings are incoherent. Does this country really want her as a presidential candidate? Someone who can't even construct a basic English sentence? It would be a disgrace and speaks to her terrible lack of intelligence. During the campaign season itself, I would change the channel whenever she spoke because my brain spent too much time trying to decipher what she was saying versus being focused on helping me survive!
My seven year old daughter has a better command of the English language than she does, and she is only in the second grade. The best advice anyone can give Palin? Go back to first grade grammar!! Actually learn to speak English!!!
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My seven year old daughter has a better command of the English language than she does, and she is only in the second grade. The best advice anyone can give Palin? Go back to first grade grammar!! Actually learn to speak English!!!