Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Fiber FROM the Home!

Here's a big idea.

The customer-centric view is that the connection between the home and the Internet is the FIRST mile. So it seems obvious that the new frame should be FFTH -- Fiber From The Home -- rather than FTTH. Then the home owner can take his business to various Internet providers and assess their offers of service. It would be a much more two-sided transaction. I spoke with Ken Carter about this idea just a couple of weeks ago. It also fits Doc Searls' notion of Vendor Relations Management (VRM).

Now the New America Foundation's Wireless Futures Program is sponsoring a talk called "Homes With Tails" by Tim Wu, who recently brought us that elegant piece of legal jujitsu called Wireless Carterphone, and Derek Slater, formerly with the Berkman Center, then EFF, and now Google.

Wu and Slater envision that the citizens, information gatherers, homeowners and content producers of the Internet [ahem, "consumers"?] purchase their own fiber first mile and offer their business to the network. They say,
The idea of customer-owned fiber may seem odd at first, but buying items like personal computers, answering machines or even telephones was also unheard of only a few decades ago. Home fiber could someday become a must-have technology.

Slater offers more details here.

Kudos to Wireless Futures regulars Michael Calabrese and Sascha Meinrath for sponsoring this fiber-rich event, to be held a week from Friday, November 21, in Washington DC at the New America Foundation. Details here.

I've got another obligation, darn!

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