Friday, March 27, 2009
F2C door price starts midnight tonight

F2C: Freedom to Connect is just about full. We have 204 people registered for a 200 person room. Historically, we have had about 15% no-shows so we'll accept a few more participants. At midnight tonight all promotional prices end, and the door price $795, goes into effect.
[If you're thinking, I'll just show up, think again. If you're registered but you KNOW YOU CAN'T COME, please drop me a quick courtesy note!!!]
Disclosure: I have a business relationship with F2C. So take it with a grain of salt when I say that it's going to be a pretty good show. Speakers include Tom Friedman, Billy Ray, Esme Vos, the duo of Wagter and van der Woude, representatives of half a dozen of the most ambitious fiber projects in America, and the market wisdom of Timber Wolf (Cullem, Eaton & Thrive, LLP). Musical interludes will be provided by the Disney-trained, Grammy-winning John Jorgenson and his quintet. In the audience, there will be two dozen network builders, a strong selection of ISPs and network operators, a flock of federal officials, a pride of public advocates, a band of beleaguered reporters, the Executive Director of UTOPIA, the President of NATOA, and two co-authors of The Cluetrain Manifesto.
Technorati Tags: ARRA Stimulus Act, Broadband, Conferences, F2C, F2C2009, Internet, MunicipalNetworks
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