Friday, April 07, 2006
Verizon lets third "commitment" slip silently

I have not been passive. I called Ivan Seidenberg's office, and emailed, and got a call back from Vera Gonzalez (212-395-0316) who said she'd get action. Also, at the suggestion of a commentor on this post, I called the Connecticut DPUC (800-382-4586). Ken at DPUC stirred up a call to me from a Verizon supervisor, Kenny Cullen, who called me and promised to get to the bottom of this. It definitely sounded like Cullen knew something. So there's slightly renewed hope, and there's always the Monday 11-hour wait. Things could be worse -- somebody could be testifying against me to save his or her own hide.
So I am going down to the Sinowoy Road street box to find out for myself what's going on. Stay tuned.
If they don't fix things at night or on weekends, does that mean that those minutes are free?
We had about 10 hours of non-storm releatd downtime this year (one big chuck and one little one ... at least that I know about). Our bill was not adjusted
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We had about 10 hours of non-storm releatd downtime this year (one big chuck and one little one ... at least that I know about). Our bill was not adjusted