Thursday, January 03, 2008
More great speakers at F2C: Freedom to Connect

- Bruce Schneier [bio], internationally-renowned security technologist and blogger.
- Dirk van der Woude, Program Manager of Amsterdam's world-leading FTTH offer.
- John St. Julien, grassroots champion of Lafayette, Louisiana's FTTH network.
- Susan Crawford, founder of OneWebDay, ICANN Board Member, blogger.
- Kevin Moss, BT America's head of Corporate Responsibility [interview].
- Danny O'Brien [bio], EFF's International Outreach Coordinator.
- Bas Boorsma [bio], head, Cisco's Connected Urban Development Program.
- Jim Baller [bio], advocate for a US National Broadband Strategy [lots of links].
Special "very early bird" admission prices are in effect through January 6. Register at http://freedom-to-connect/#registration.
Technorati Tags: Conferences, F2C, F2C2008, Nethead
Monday, January 08, 2007
Announcing F2C: Freedom to Connect
F2C: Freedom to Connect,
March 5 & 6, Washington, DC
Special price in effect this week only, $250, expires 9:00 PM on 1/15/07.
F2C: Freedom to Connect is the gathering of SMART People to discuss the infrastructure of the Internet and all that it enables. F2C's theme-setting speaker this year is Yochai Benkler, whose 2006 book, _The Wealth of Networks_, is the most important book I've read recently. Benkler intimates that we're underestimating the long-term impact of the Internet. Specifically, he says, open source software, Wikipedia and Second Life are signals of a future where large-scale networked cooperation becomes as important a means of production as industry and marketplace. At F2C, we'll explore this hypothesis, the evidence pro and con, the scenarios that it suggests for a transformed future, and some other scenarios that may obtain if Benkler's hypothesis doesn't pan out. And we'll attempt to discern additional clues to our networked future from current movement in technology, policy, business and economics.
The early list of committed speakers to F2C includes Mark Cooper, Susan Crawford, Dan Gillmor, Mary Hodder, Reed Hundt, Jonathan Krim, Blair Levin, Cory Ondrejka, Gigi Sohn and David Weinberger (in addition to Benkler). This early list is UNDER CONSTRUCTION -- more additions are imminent.
The special rate of $250, for very early birds, expires in one week . . . a word to the SMART.
I hope to see you at F2C: Freedom to Connect! -- David I
March 5 & 6, Washington, DC
Special price in effect this week only, $250, expires 9:00 PM on 1/15/07.
F2C: Freedom to Connect is the gathering of SMART People to discuss the infrastructure of the Internet and all that it enables. F2C's theme-setting speaker this year is Yochai Benkler, whose 2006 book, _The Wealth of Networks_, is the most important book I've read recently. Benkler intimates that we're underestimating the long-term impact of the Internet. Specifically, he says, open source software, Wikipedia and Second Life are signals of a future where large-scale networked cooperation becomes as important a means of production as industry and marketplace. At F2C, we'll explore this hypothesis, the evidence pro and con, the scenarios that it suggests for a transformed future, and some other scenarios that may obtain if Benkler's hypothesis doesn't pan out. And we'll attempt to discern additional clues to our networked future from current movement in technology, policy, business and economics.
The early list of committed speakers to F2C includes Mark Cooper, Susan Crawford, Dan Gillmor, Mary Hodder, Reed Hundt, Jonathan Krim, Blair Levin, Cory Ondrejka, Gigi Sohn and David Weinberger (in addition to Benkler). This early list is UNDER CONSTRUCTION -- more additions are imminent.
The special rate of $250, for very early birds, expires in one week . . . a word to the SMART.
I hope to see you at F2C: Freedom to Connect! -- David I
Technorati Tags: Conferences, F2C, F2C2007