Thursday, January 03, 2008
More great speakers at F2C: Freedom to Connect

- Bruce Schneier [bio], internationally-renowned security technologist and blogger.
- Dirk van der Woude, Program Manager of Amsterdam's world-leading FTTH offer.
- John St. Julien, grassroots champion of Lafayette, Louisiana's FTTH network.
- Susan Crawford, founder of OneWebDay, ICANN Board Member, blogger.
- Kevin Moss, BT America's head of Corporate Responsibility [interview].
- Danny O'Brien [bio], EFF's International Outreach Coordinator.
- Bas Boorsma [bio], head, Cisco's Connected Urban Development Program.
- Jim Baller [bio], advocate for a US National Broadband Strategy [lots of links].
Special "very early bird" admission prices are in effect through January 6. Register at http://freedom-to-connect/#registration.
Technorati Tags: Conferences, F2C, F2C2008, Nethead